jeudi 26 juin 2014


Hiccough involuntary spasm of the diaphragm and respiratory organs, with a sudden closure of the glottis and a characteristic gulping sound.
"then she got hiccups"

2.a temporary or minor problem or setback.
"just a little hiccup in our usual wonderful service" a hitch, a snag
un contretemps

lundi 23 juin 2014

As alike as two peas in a pod

Origin: This simile derives, of course, from the fact that two peas from the same pod are virtually indistinguishable. 

very similar two of a kind in French: être comme les deux doigts de la main 

  • We were two peas in a pod – we liked all the same things, and we did everything together.

mardi 17 juin 2014

Word up (1)

thin skinned = over sensitive - qui prend la mouche, à sensibilité à fleur de peau 

behind the times = old fashioned - en retard sur son temps

to purr - cat: make vibrating sound - ronronner

to hand [sth] in vtr phrasal = to submit - rendre ou plus soutenu : remettre, remettre sa démission

  • The students handed in their assignments to the teacher.

hand [sth] out, hand out [sth] vtr phrasal = distribute - distribuer

  • Volunteers in Haiti are handing out food and water to earthquake victims.

flock (sheep, goats)  - troupeau 
uncalled-for, uncalled for = unfair, unjust - injustifié 

  • Her last comment was uncalled-for so he stormed out of the house.

see eye to eye
if two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other (often negative; often + with ) 

  • He's asked for a transfer because he doesn't see eye to eye with the new manager. (often + on ) 
  • We see eye to eye on most important issues.
  • My father and I see eye to eye on most things.
  • We don't see eye to eye on a lot of things.

dimanche 8 juin 2014


abused or oppressed by people in power
without hope because of being treated badly by powerful people, governments, etc.- opprimé

  • You've already done your part for the oppressed and downtrodden demons of the world.
  • In the fight for change, the most oppressed and downtrodden come to the forefront.
  • The downtrodden masses

mardi 3 juin 2014

Hot air

hot air  (informal)

if something that someone says is just hot air, it is not sincere and will have no practical results 

  • Their promises turned out to be just so much hot air. (c'est du vent)