samedi 8 juin 2013

To play hide and seek

To play hide-and-seek
a children's game in which a group of children hide in secret places and then one child has to go to look for them
  • Years of dispute and games of hide-and-seek will not take our technology sites forward. - jeu de cache-cache
  • Your child loves playing hide-and-seek with objects.

vendredi 7 juin 2013

Variations around "misunderstanding"

To miscontrue
To misinterpret, misunderstand, misconceive, misapprehend
  • Distance can lead to miscontrue the sayings of someone
To be amiss: 
Something is amiss with sb/sth: wrong, not suitable, or not as expected
  • I could see by the look on their faces that something was amiss.
  • Their instincts warned them something was amiss.
  • Something is amiss with our health care system. 
Nothing is amiss with sb/sth  

  • We found nothing amiss downstairs il n'y a rien qui cloche avec qn/qch
  • He is adamant there is nothing amiss with him. (adamant=catégorique)
To take sth amiss
to be offended by something that someone has said to you
  • I was worried that he might take my remark amiss.- prendre qch mal, prendre qch de travers 
sth would not go amiss, sth would not come amiss (British) 
If something might/would not go amiss, it would be useful and might help toimprove a situation
  • A word of apology might not go amiss.- qch ne ferait pas de mal 
  • A sense of proportion would not go amiss in all of this.
  • A bit of politeness would not go amiss. 
  • A coat of paint would not come amiss in the bedroom.


jeudi 6 juin 2013

Variations around "teasing so"

To poke fun (at)
  • to make unkind jokes about someone or something
To tease
  • to say something to someone in order to have fun by embarrassing or annoying them slightly in either a friendly or an unkind way
  • to annoy an animal in order to have fun
  • something that someone says or does when they are teasing you
To burlesque
  • to represent a serious subject in a silly way in order to make people laugh
To jeer
  • to shout or laugh at someone in an unkind way that shows you have no respect for them
Jeer, jeering
  • an unkind laugh or comment that shows you have no respect for someone
  • to publicly criticize someone or something by making jokes about them
To laugh
  • to show that you think someone or something is stupid or deserves no respect
To mock
  • to make someone or something look stupid by laughing at them, copying them, or saying something that is not kind
  • something that makes a system, organization etc seem stupid or useless, remarks or behaviour intended to make someone seem stupid, for example laughing at them, copying them, or saying something that is not kind
To parade
  • to make someone walk around so that people will look at them and often laugh at them
To parody
  • to copy someone or something in a way that makes people laugh
Piss-take of sth/so
  • an attempt to make someone or something seem silly
To rag on
  • to say things in order to make someone feel embarrassed, usually in a friendly way
To rib
  • to joke about someone in a friendly way that makes them slightly embarrassed
To ridicule
  • to try to make someone or something seem silly by making fun of them in an unkind way
  • the practice of making yourself appear silly to show other people that you have a humorous attitude towards yourself
  • a way of talking or behaving in which you copy the way that someone else talks or behaves in a humorous way
  • an occasion when someone copies the voice or behaviour of someone else in a humorous way
To spoof
  • laugh someone/something out of court: if you laugh someone or something out of court, you show them that you think their ideas or suggestions are very silly
Make a mockery of
  • to make someone or something seem stupid or useless
Make a monkey out of someone
  • to make someone seem stupid
Make fun of
  • to make jokes about someone or something in an unkind way
Make light of something
  • to treat something as not very serious
To take the mickey
  • to say something in order to try and make someone or something look silly, especially in a friendly way. Doing this is called mickey-taking and someone who does it is a mickey-taker
To take the piss
  • to say something to try to make someone look silly

mercredi 5 juin 2013


clever but sometimes dishonest behaviour that you use to deceive someone: tricky, smart, deceit
  • The president will need to use all her political guile to stay in power. - rusé, fourbe
  • He is a simple man, totally lacking in guile.
very attractive, in a mysterious way, making you want to keep looking: 
  • He had the most mesmerizing blue eyes. - ensorcellant