vendredi 6 février 2015

To eat humble pie

to be forced to admit that you are wrong and to say you are sorry 

  • The producers of the advert had to eat humble pie and apologize for misrepresenting the facts.
faire amende honorable, reconnaître son erreur, admettre son erreur

dimanche 1 février 2015

Under the radar

To slip or to go under the radar. To go unnoticed, especially for a long period of time.- passer entre les mailles du filet
  • They know they're buying links and choosing to go under the radar to avoid penalties
  • While the majority are well looked after, we know in extreme cases that things go very wrong for these children because they go under the radar

Small talk

chat, converse about trivial subjects.- papoter, bavarder, faire la causette

  • I'm no good at making small talk at parties.


covered with soft fur

fluffy toy : peluche
fluffy duck: duveteux, duveteuse
(nuage) floconneux, floconneuse
(nourriture) léger, légère, aérien, aérienne
(chat) au poil soyeux adj
(serviette) doux, douce adj

Go viral

 "Turnip for What"

the video which featured the first lady dancing with a turnip to the hit song “Turn Down for What” has been “looped” more than 1 million times. 

This video has gone viral!