jeudi 30 avril 2015

To nitpick

To be overly critical, concerned with insignificant details - chercher la petite bête, être tatillon

  • her husband nitpicks about everything: from how she puts the plates away to how she files the bills
to be nit-picky, to be a nit-picker

  • For those nit-pickers out there, yes, the album wasn't released in 2004-in fact, disk one was actually released in 2001.

jeudi 23 avril 2015


To provide (another) with knowledge or information in an oversimplified way. - mâcher le travail à quelqu'un

  • By giving out printed sheets of facts and theories, the teachers spoon-fed us with what we needed for the exam
"Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon" E.M. Forster

jeudi 16 avril 2015

To battle for hearts and minds

The hearts and minds of somebody
the complete support of a group of people

  • I thought the president could have done a better job of reaching the hearts and minds of the American people in his speech on television yesterday.