linked: benchmark, milestone, mark
- We signed landmark agreements with the provinces – Accord historique
- A landmark decision, a landmark ruling - Une décision qui fait date, qui fait jurisprudence
- Syn : milestone
- This can be used to create a visual landmark – Point de repère dans l’espace
- Historical landmark were destroyed – Monument
- The charter was a landmark in our law – Jalon, étape
- Syn: Stage, step, leg, stadium
- The landmarks were wiped out by floods – Borne
- Synonymes :Bollard, post: Poteau qui empêche les voitures de passer Signpost : Panneau de signalisation Milestone: Borne kilométrique
- It marks an important milestone in the deepening of co-operation with the central banks – Etape importante
- This time you really have overstepped the mark. – Tu dépasses les bornes.
- The second leg of the flight is from Paris to Milan. – Etape
A benchmark:
- Each of
these attributes can be measured against a benchmark. – Standard, un
point de référence
Benchmark price – Un prix de référenceA benchmark test – Un test d’évaluation
We need to benchmark the project as regards their impact on human right – Evaluer
We need to benchmark the project as regards their impact on human right – Evaluer
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