untidy, dirty

[person, appearance] débraillé (e)
[clothes, jeans,] dépenaillé (e)
[hair] hirsute
[flat, street] miteux (-euse)
- This part of the city is scruffy
old and in bad condition, dressed in clothes that are old or in bad condition, of low quality
- shabby clothes/furniture/building. - rapé usé
- The children were all so shabby and hungry.
- feel shabby: Linda felt shabby standing next to Andrea in her fashionable clothes
- The whole affair was rather shabby.
- He blasted the lawyers for submitting such shabby paperwork.
- a shop selling shabby goods
torn and dirty, wearing old dirty clothes and looking very poor
- a pair of ragged shorts. - en lambeaux, en loques
- ragged posters hung on the walls.
- ragged children playing in the street
- the ragged appearance of a bite wound
- It was a pretty ragged performance from the champions.
- He took a few ragged breaths and began to run again.- irrégulier
- Ragged edge. - mauvaise passe
- on the ragged edge. - dans la limite, au bord de l'abîme
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