vendredi 13 septembre 2013

Variations around "To pick holes"

To pick holes in something 
Syn: to split hairs, to quibble, to niggle at, to point out the flaws or fallacies in an argument. 
  • The lawyer picked holes in the witness's story. 
  • They will pick holes in your argument. 
  • Stop picking holes in everything I say!
to find mistakes in something someone has done or said, to show that it is not good or not correct  
  • The lawyer did her best to pick holes in the witness's statement.

To split hairs
to argue or worry about very small details or differences that are not important
  • They don't have any serious differences. They are just splitting hairs. - couper les cheveux en quatre 
  • Don't waste time splitting hairs. Accept it the way it is.
To quibble
to try to make petty distinctions, to be argumentative or contentious with someone about someone or something: 

to quibble about sth, to quibble over sth ergoter sur qch, (chicaner sur qch), to quibble with sth(disagree) ne (pas être d'accord avec qch)
  • Let's not quibble about it.  
  • Please don't quibble with your sister.  
  • No need to quibble over it.
To niggle
To be preoccupied with trifles or petty details. trifles=broutilles

To worry or annoy someone slightly but continuously
  • Something was niggling him
  • Doubts continued to niggle at her
To find fault constantly and trivially; 
  • Stop niggling, will you! 
  • To niggle at someone

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