lundi 23 mars 2015

have/keep (all) your wits about you

to be ready to think quickly in a situation and react to things that you are not expecting. - avoir toute sa tête

  • Cycling is potentially very dangerous in the city - you have to keep your wits about you.
Usually, wits.
  • intelligent observation, keen perception
    using one's wits to get ahead.
    Synonyms: cleverness, cunning, wisdom, insight, perspicacity, sacaciousness, acumen.
  • mental faculties
    to lose one's wits; frightened out of one's wits.

    • scaring the wits out of: tout à fait effrayant
    • to pit one's wits against sb: rivaliser d'esprit avec qn
    • to have one's wits about one: avoir toute sa tête
    • to pit one's wits against sb: se mesurer à qn
    • to keep one's wits about one: garder la tête sur les épaules
    • to frighten the wits out of sb: faire une peur bleue à qn
    • to use one's wits to do sth: se servir de sa tête pour faire qch
    • to gather one's wits: rassembler ses esprits
    • be scared out of my wits: être mort de peur
    • to engage in a battle of wits: jouer au plus fin
    • to be at one's wits' end: ne plus savoir que faire
    • wit: esprit,intelligence
    • dim wit: imbécile
    • dry wit: humour pince-sans-rire ; humour caustique
    • Syn. : deadpan.
    • half-wit: idiot
    • quick wit: vivacité d'esprit
    • ready wit: caractère spirituel
    • flash of wit: boutade

    Moral compass

    ethical sense or guide. - sens moral

    a natural feeling that makes people know what is right and wrong and how they should behave

    • Some people believe that the increase in crime shows that society is losing its moral compass.

    dimanche 15 mars 2015

    Keep a/the lid on something

    1. To keep something secret. passer sous silence
    • It's supposed to be a surprise, so try to keep a lid on it, will you?
    2. to control the level of something in order to stop it increasing, to maintain control over something.- garder sous controle 
    • His forces kept a lid on unrest for nearly eight years.
    • Economic difficulties continued and the government intervened to keep a lid on inflation.

    vendredi 6 mars 2015

    Pry into something

    to snoop into something; to get into someone else's business. - se mêler de, s'immiscer dans, être indiscret

    • Why are you prying into my affairs all the time? 
    • I wish you wouldn't pry into my personal life.

    Stave off something

    stave off something also stave something off = prevent, ward off.- contrer, éviter

    • so you get good about using the technology to figure out how to stave off that boredom.
    • to keep something away or keep something from happening 
    • The Federal Reserve lowered interest rates to boost the economy and stave off a recession.
    • Death is natural and inevitable - we can't stave it off forever.
    • He could stave his thirst off no longer.
    • They say that if you take extra vitamins, you may be able to stave off the flu.

    Stuck in a rut

    bored by routine. - enlisé dans une routine
    • But people often feel they want to change their life, to change their job. They might feel stuck in a rut.