vendredi 22 janvier 2016

To hunker down

hunker down:  US, figurative (prepare to endure, resist). - se replier, tenir bon

  • Any company that wants to survive this recession must hunker down, reduce costs and cut investment to the bare minimum.

Other meanings:

1. To sit on the heels with the knees bent forward; squat: My personal trainer hunkered down to help me with the barbells. - s'accroupir
2. To take shelter or refuge: The campers hunkered down in the cabin during the blizzard. - se réfugier
3. To hold stubbornly to some position: The candidates hunkered down and refused to admit their mistakes.- se braquer
4. To apply oneself and start working seriously at something: You need to hunker down and study if you're going to pass that test.- tenir bon

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