Syn: feeling of wonder (émerveillement), overwhelming fear (terreur, stupeur, effroi), amaze (sidérer)
- I am in awe of your ability to manage two jobs and a family.- en admiration
- The child stood in awe of the skyscraper, never having seen something so big.
- I was completely awe-struck by the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.- abasourdi
- The asteroid shower was an awe-inspiring sight.- impressionnant, imposant
Syn: surprising, amazing
- The irony of the concurrence motion is quite astounding.-stupéfiant, renversant
Syn: incredible, very good, excellent
- Amazing! What a great shot on goal!.- incroyable
- The quarterback is an amazing player, with superior skills.-extraordinaire
US slang: great, impressive, frightening
- You are going to Cancun for vacation? Awesome! - génial, super
- The thunder and lightening were awesome and scared the dogs.-terrifiant
- The army's quick movement was an awesome display of power.- impressionnant
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