mardi 7 mai 2013

Linguee dictionary

Linguee is a unique translation tool combining an editorial dictionary and a search engine with which you can search hundreds of millions of bilingual texts for words and expressions.

The Linguee search results are divided into two sections. On the left hand side you see results from our reliable editorial dictionary. This provides you with a quick overview of various translations of your search term. On the right hand side, you see example sentences from other sources to give you an idea of how your search term has been translated in context. 

Search example:

Compared to traditional online dictionaries, Linguee contains about 1,000 times more translated texts, which are displayed in full sentences. Linguee shows translations for expressions such as "strong evidence", "strong relationship" or "strong opinion", and even for rare expressions or specific technical terms.

However, the results showing words in context must be taken with a touch of critical mind as this tool parse existing texts published by trusted sources. Nevertheless, those texts could include some mistakes as nobody is infallible.

The pronouciation

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