jeudi 9 mai 2013

Variations around "emotion"

Burst into tears
  • Why do we actually enjoy watching something that makes us burst into tears – fondre en larmes
Syn: tearful, emotional, tearjerker
  • A weepy is a film that makes us cry – un mélo
  • The skin may be red, weepy, and painful to the touch. - suinter

Tearjerker (/ˈtɪəˌdʒ3ːkəʳ/)
  • Anne Hathaway starred in the Oscar-winning tearjerker, Les Miserables.- mélodrame
  • That sad scene in the movie makes me misty-eyed. - larmoyant
To get emotional
  • “Les miserable” is a film that makes us get so emotional - émotif
  • I get emotional about this because I care so deeply. – parler avec emotion
  • When watching a film at the cinema for example, we can let our emotions loose – se laisser aller à ses émotions
  • A good film is meant to cause us to reveal our emotions.- révéler ses émotions
  • We need a place for to letting our emotions out
To affect
Syn: to touch emotionally
  • The film about a cancer survivor affected me deeply – émouvoir
  • The government's plan will affect a lot of people. – affecter
To effect:
  • There is something else in a film that effects our emotions. – faire ressortir ses émotions
  • The government effected change through its policy of taxation.- effectuer
Goose bumps
  • The music in the Jaws movie gives us goose bumps. – chair de poule
To cry one's heart out
  • The film Toy Story 3 is one film that has had grown men crying their hearts out. - pleurer toutes les larmes de son corp
  •  I cried my heart out when my best friend moved away.
  • from the Greek Katharsis is used here as "purification" or "cleansing" through letting our feelings out, to release our emotion. 
  • More explanation on Wikipedia:
An outlet
Hitting a punch ball is often an outlet for a person’s anger. – un exustoire
  • Writing provided an outlet for his creativity.
  • Before you manufacture anything, make sure there is an outlet for it. – un débouché
To blub
Syn: to cry out loud
  • A really sad story, if it is well acted and directed, can really make us blub – pleurer comme une madeleine (péjoratif)
  • Blub means also to reveal a secret. Particularly among criminals, they may talk about a traitor as one who blubbed to the authorities. - révéler un secret
To sob
  • So, the child began to sob quietly, biting his hand until it bled in order not to cry out – sangloter
  • Do as you will," said Jonathan, with a sob that shook him all over, "we are in the hands of God! – sanglot
  • It’s a crying shame: it's regrettable or it’s an unfortunate situation.
To cry over spilt milk
  • to waste time worrying about something small or something that cannot be change.- ce qui est fait est fait 

Source: BBC6 minutes english : vocabulary of emotion :

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