vendredi 26 septembre 2014

Variations around "weigh"

weigh [sb]/[sth] down = alourdir, peser sur
  • I was weighed down by all the shopping I did today. 
weigh [sb] down (be a burden) accabler, déprimer
  • All this debt weighs me down, and I can't enjoy myself anymore. 

to weigh sth (=consider) = [+evidence, options] considérer

  • After weighing everything carefully, I decided not to go. 
  • We have to weigh the evidence and make a decision. She weighed her options. 
to weigh (up) the pros and cons = peser le pour et le contre

to weigh anchor = lever l'ancre

to weigh on [problem, worry] = quelque chose pèse à quelqu'un

  • The separation weighed on both of them. La séparation leur pesait à tous deux.

to weigh on sb's mind = peser à qn

  • Guilt weighed heavily on his mind.

to weigh out [+goods, ingredients] = peser des ingrédients

  • He weighed out a pound of tomatoes.

weigh up [+advantages, alternatives] = soupeser

  • I've been weighing up all the alternatives.

[+person] = jauger

  • He was watching her, trying to weigh her up.
  • I weighed up the pros and cons. J'ai pesé le pour et le contre.

weigh anchor = lever l'ancre

weigh the odds = estimer les chances, évaluer les éventualités

to weigh oneself = se peser

  • I weigh eight stone.

to weigh on sb's mind = peser à qn

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